Frequently Asked Questions

Therapy aims to ease emotional pain and improve your overall well-being and relationships. Unlike talking with loved ones, therapy provides a confidential, non-judgmental space where you can explore your feelings with a professional trained in clinical mental health. This type of support can be a powerful way to move toward the life you want. 

The most important part of the therapeutic relationship is choosing the right therapist. I provide a free phone or video consultation to help you decide if we’re a good fit, and to discuss how I can assist you. In our first few sessions, we’ll explore the issues that brought you to therapy and establish your goals. As we work together, it’s important to remember that progress may feel challenging at times; however, being open to new perspectives and strategies can greatly enhance your progress. 

The length of therapy varies based on factors like your schedule, my availability, the intensity of your challenges and goals, and how engaged you are between sessions. Research shows that most clients notice significant improvement within 12-15 sessions. For those seeking more immediate results, I recommend brainspotting intensives. During the course of our work together, we will decide if/when your goals have been met and whether you have other goals you would like to achieve. Some clients feel ready to stop therapy once goals are met, while others choose to continue because they find ongoing value in the process. My aim is to help you reach your goals as quickly and effectively as possible.

Most of my clients prefer the intensive model which means we have longer sessions and fewer appointments. This accelerated format allows us to go deeper so you can feel better faster.

  • Option #1: Brainspotting Intensives

Brainspotting Intensives are a powerful way to get a jump start on the healing process. You can book three consecutive days of therapy (three hours each day). This is perfect for anyone who is ready for a breakthrough. Visit the Intensives page for more details.

  • Option #2: Monthly Brainspotting

These sessions are three hours once a month. Some clients decide to meet with another therapist for support with day-to-day stress so we can focus entirely on deeper issues.

  • Option #3: Quarterly Brainspotting
    These sessions are three hours once a quarter (every three months). Some clients decide to meet with another therapist for support with day-to-day stress so we can focus entirely on deeper issues.


  • Option #4: Weekly Sessions

These sessions last between 60 to 80 minutes and occur on a weekly basis. At the beginning of treatment, meeting less frequently is not recommended.

During your free consultation, we will discuss which option works best for you to achieve your treatment goals.

Online psychotherapy (similar to Zoom or Facetime) continues to grow in use within the healthcare field. For our sessions, you and I are each at a location of our choosing and we meet over the internet using a secure video platform provided by me. This makes our work together convenient and confidential. You will need  a comfortable, private space, good internet connection, and a smartphone, tablet, laptop or personal computer. Easy, right?

You can login from home, work or another private location. In fact, I can “meet” you anywhere within the states of Virginia or Florida, so you can be in an environment where you feel comfortable. Some of the benefits of online therapy include savings in the form of your time since you are not driving back and forth to your appointments, being able to continue with your sessions if you travel for work or go to college within the state, solving any transportation problems you may have, and for moms, having your session during your child’s nap-time which removes the need for childcare. Some clients share that being online helps them open up more than they would in person. 

All services provided by Attune Psychotherapy are online.

Weekly sessions are offered Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 5 pm.

Intensive sessions are scheduled in advance and at a mutually agreed upon time but generally during my regular business hours.

  • I take your confidentiality very seriously. Anything we discuss during the course of your treatment, any related documentation and even that you are receiving therapy with me is held to the strictest level of confidentiality. Safety and acceptance are key elements of the therapeutic process. However, there are some exceptions:
  • when reporting is required or allowed by law if a client is a danger to themselves or others or they disclose about a crime which involves danger to others. Such examples include child abuse or neglect, extreme danger to self, elder abuse, danger to others, or viewing or possession of child pornography.
  • when you give written permission to release information to someone such as your insurance company
  • when your records are subpoenaed by a judge for legal reasons

It is your right to decline a diagnosis. A formal diagnosis is required for the purposes of submitting claims to your healthcare insurance company for reimbursement of services. When submitting information to an insurance company, the insurance company - not you - decides how many sessions are appropriate for your treatment and the length of those sessions. By using insurance, your insurance company has a right to review diagnoses, session notes, assessments and any other documentation regarding your treatment. It may also be shared with the Medical Information Bureau where it can be accessed in the future by other parties such as life insurance companies. If you are out of network and decide to seek reimbursement from your insurance provider, requests for medical records can still occur.

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